Water Princess, Fire Prince – Cover Reveal!


This cover reveal actually officially happened yesterday, but I was assisting another cool author friend with her book tour, so Kendra graciously allowed me to be a day late with this post.

If the name of the book didn’t intrigue you, perhaps this will…

Water and Fire


About the Book

When the Lady Dragon does come,
Hold fast, do not fear, do not run.
Your Water Princess will fight,
Fire Prince will set all to right.
Each shall come from a Fall,
Their union will save you all.

Despite the fact that she’s on track for competing in the Olympics, and he’s practically raised his younger brothers since they lost their mom in a car accident, Clara Mandras and Andrew Stevenson are pretty much normal teens. They have normal hopes, normal dreams, and they live in a normal world.

All this is torn away from them when they are thrust into another world and declared Water Princess and Fire Prince. With no experience ruling a country, meeting each other for the first time, and being expected to fight the Lady Dragon – an evil sorceress plaguing the world of Rizkaland – Clara and Andrew are underprepared and inexperienced. Unless they learn to work together despite their standing opposition, Rizkaland’s hope will be lost.

What is to come will change their lives forever.


About the Author

Kendra E. Ardnek loves fairy tales and twisting them in new and exciting ways.  She’s been practicing her skills on her dozen plus cousins and siblings for years, “Finish your story, Kendra”, is frequently heard at family gatherings.  Her sole life goal has always been to grow up and be an author of fantasy and children’s tales that also glorify God and his Word. You can read more about her on her blog, knittedbygodsplan.blogspot.com


I’ve gotten a chance to beta read the first two parts of this book (school has since gotten in the way of me reading the rest, but what’s new there?) and it’s been pretty entertaining to say the least! I’ve been trying to avoid the spoilery discussion on the Goodreads group, but from the snippets I have seen, it sounds like the story just gets better and better! Don’t believe me? Kendra has shared two chapters just for you to read!

Part 1 – Chapter 1

Part 2 – Chapter 1

And you know what’s cool? It’s available for pre-order now on Amazon for $2.99 the 19th and 20th ONLY (at which point it will be put back up to its official price of 3.99)


For those of you that follow my serial story Children of Two Worlds that’s posted every Saturday, don’t worry. It will be back next week!

4 thoughts on “Water Princess, Fire Prince – Cover Reveal!

  1. Thanks so much for participating in the reveal! (According to my beta readers at least) It does get better as it goes along. But that cover!!! I love it. I want to order my copy right now so I can sit in my cave stroking it and whispering “my precious, my precious …”

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome!! 🙂

      Haha!! I’m looking forward to finishing it when it comes out! 😀 The cover is really cool! It’s very visually striking! Excellent design!


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