I’m Doing NaNo! Sort Of….


So we’ve entered that time of year where everyone and their novelist mother starts freaking out about NaNoWriMo. I’ve never participated in NaNo proper. Last year I did Camp NaNo for the first time and actually had a blast with it. So, I’ve actually started considering doing the real thing.

And as you can tell from the post title, there’s probably a caveat to the consideration thing. You see I have this book I’ve been working on off and on for the past two years and the sucker needs to be finished before it finishes me. So I’m going to dedicate November to conquering draft 1.

I’m not sure if I’m going all in with word counts and registering on the site and whatnot. Because, let’s be honest, I’d be sidetracked so easily by the shiny graphics and word count trackers and then stress about how far behind I am. This way, I’ll somehow theoretically knock out the last 50K-ish words without stressing. Lolz.

What book you might ask? The Mountain Baron!

I’m finally sitting down and prioritizing all the million projects I thought it would be fun to work on simultaneously at the same time.

So, until November starts, I’ll be chugging through a massive re-write on Worldjumpers (triggered by pitching the book at a recent writer’s conference. The publisher really liked the idea but since the word count is too low, they weren’t able to accept it, but I got a lot of encouragement to re-work stuff and get the word count up!!)

November will hopefully see almost the end of Draft 1 of The Mountain Baron. Also, I’m already being overly dramatic in this story I think, so I don’t need the threat of a giant word count to become even more dramatic to meet those goals.

December hopefully shall see me working on The Wolf Prince which is the sequel to the book I published earlier this year. So it should actually probably be on the top of my priority list. But whatevs.

So, next week, I will be writing a post on inspirations, plot, and characters for The Mountain Baron because I actually love this story a lot. I think it’s quite a bit different from what/how I usually write so I actually also love it for that.

I should also be writing more booky/writingy posts about my stuff anyway probably, so this gives me excuses and post ideas for the next three months at least. πŸ™‚

How goes your NaNo prep? Should I register on the site or just be a free spirit?

14 thoughts on “I’m Doing NaNo! Sort Of….

  1. I’ve registered, though I don’t know if I’ll do a complete 50,000 words. I have a short story and a novella I’m writing, and whatever the word count is is basically how much I’m going to write. πŸ˜‰

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    • Oh, that’s a good idea. Yeah, I’m projecting this story to be about 80K and I’ve already passed the 40K mark, so I’m not even sure if there’s enough to properly do NaNo. But I think I’m just gonna write and see what I end up with. πŸ˜›

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