Looking for Bloggers! (You Get Free Books!)


I almost didn’t make a post today, but I do have an announcement to make!

Quite a few fellow Christian Indie Authors and I are banding together to run a Black Friday sale on our books! You can help promote this sale on your blogs or social media and by signing up you get to choose any of our listed books as a reward!

I helped out as a blogger last year and got some great books! I’m really looking forward to participating as an author this year. So check it out and consider lending us your blog to help spread the word!!

Sign up here!


9 thoughts on “Looking for Bloggers! (You Get Free Books!)

  1. Hi Claire!

    I will participate, sure!I’ll be re-posting this on my blog! Is that all I have to do? Or do you have details for me???


  2. I literally just saw the link to the sign up a few minutes ago on Goodreads and signed up. XD I was involved last year too and it was fun — in fact I’d been wondering if there would be one this year and didn’t know how to find out. πŸ˜› Can’t wait to hear which authors/books will be participating! (Because let’s be honest: sales are awesome. ;))

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey Claire! I signed up the day you did this post, but didn’t receive an email yesterday . . .
    I was wondering if I should try and sign up again? But then I know that it said you had to sign up by the 22nd and today is the 23rd, sooo. . . I’m not quite sure what to do! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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