Interview with Alan MacDuffy


Welcome to the last of the character interviews for the Blood of the Seer blog tour!! Today I am hosting Alan MacDuffy, loyal best friend, warrior, and soon to be father! (Not sure what books I’m talking about? Check the bottom of the post, or my Books page to learn more!)

And here I am, once again, settled in on the porch of my lakehouse, tea and snickerdoodles up today. Alan is not above trading information for food. He comes from across the field off to the left and lounges up the steps and drops into the chair beside me.

CMB: Hey!

Alan MacDuffy: Been a bit. How are you doing?

CMB: Can’t complain. You?

AM: I’ve been told I will be complaining after all this.

CMB: Rhys?

AM: *chuckles and takes two cookies* Who else? What do you have for me today?

CMB: *takes cookie and shuffles cards* Okay, first up. _hopeth- asks: Most embarrassing Rhys moment?

AM: I’m supposed to pick one??

CMB: Or the best of?

AM: *laughs* Well there was that one time during the Sea Wars he snuck Prince Damon, who he was supposed be guarding, out into the camp to partake in the winter-tide celebration. I might have met up with them, alcohol was involved, and the dressing down he got the next morning, hung over and all, from Brogan, is something I might have enjoyed more if I also, had not been hung over.

CMB: There seem to be a lot of stories involving you, Rhys, and alcohol….

AM: *shrugs easily* It was the War.

CMB: Fair. jojbooklover has a couple questions. First up: How often does the Baron smile?

AM: The Baron? Not often. Rhys? A middling amount. Even before the Wars, and things, he didn’t actually smile all too much.

CMB: she’d also like to know what were the Sea Wars like?

AM: *sobers quickly* Hell.

CMB: What was the Baron like in the Sea Wars?

AM: A little more talkative, less grouchy, and still someone you’d want by your side in any situation.

CMB: Is he hoping his wife has a boy or a girl?

AM: *chuckles* I want a girl, but Caitlin is determined to have a boy.

CMB: And how was a guy like him able to snag a girl like Caitlin?

AM: I will never really know.

CMB: If it makes you feel better, she had a crush on you for almost as long as you were hopelessly pining after her as teenagers.

AM: *nods* that does actually. Thank you for the tip.

CMB: *winks* any time. ink-lizard asks: Favorite food? Also, snow or rain?

AM: Favorite food? You cannot go wrong with a good beef pie. And I hate the rain. So, snow I guess.

CMB: When are you inviting me for dinner?

AM: Come around whenever. You know this.

CMB: You are a gem, Alan MacDuffy, has anyone told you this?

AM: You can keep talking.

CMB: *rolls eyes* yeetarandomwriter asks: Personality type? Favorite way to bug the guys?

AM: Ummm…friendly? I’m usually the one playing peacemaker between most of the world and Rhys MacDuffy. I get along with everyone mostly. And depends on the guys. The Cairns? I need to keep figuring them out so I don’t accidentally push them too far. Rhys? Just act smug about something and he can’t stand it.

CMB: It’s unfairly easy sometimes. Becky Gaines asks: Ever prank Rhys?

AM: *laughs* Is the sky blue?? The only trouble is that Rhys is an excellent prankster himself, so anything you do will usually come back to spectacularly bite you in the-

CMB: language.

AM: *smiles not very apologetically*

CMB: little_bookish_woman also has a few. She asks: Why are you so amazing?

AM: As you say, it’s because I’m actual ray of sunshine.


AM: *preens ridiculously and takes another cookie*

CMB: What made you loyal to Rhys all those years?

AM: Rhys is one of my first memories. We’ve known each other since we were three years old. I had just been left with my aunt and uncle by my mother, with a father dead too. He says he doesn’t remember this, but it’s still clear as day to me. Little three year old him marching over to me hiding in my aunt’s skirts and solemnly pulling me off to go play. It’s always been him and me, growing up, training, and then the War. And I didn’t stay entirely loyal to him which is something I will always regret, but you can’t help but stick with him.

CMB: She and bookethusiast_97 ask: Favorite memory of Rhys and Sean

AM: Of Rhys? Him soundly thrashing the arrogant boys a year older than us in the training arena. *sighs fondly* Trounced the lot of them. And of Sean? This sounds stupid, but I’d always wanted a younger brother too, and so the year when he was old enough to run after us finally and he realized I didn’t mind it, and the way he acted like I’d just become an older brother.

CMB: You’re such a softie.

AM: I know. Next!

CMB: bookethusiast_97 also wants to know who do you find most annoying?

AM: Does Lord Adam Barkely count?

CMB: Absolutely. and *coughs* how do you feel about your author?

AM: Ah, she’s not so bad. I’m not to give spoilers, but she does all right.

CMB: *turns to woods a few yards from the porch* HEAR THAT?!

AM: *bursts out laughing*

CMB: As for you, have all the cookies. thesonatinaquintet12 has the next round of questions: what would you be doing if you weren’t running around with outlaws?

AM: Before I got dragged off onto this adventure with Rhys, I spent most of my time as a commander in my uncle’s house, and desperately praying he’s not going to elect me as his successor. *looks to me hopefully*

CMB: I…don’t know. You’d be good at it though.

AM: Sounds stressful.

CMB: Do you consider yourself handsome?

AM: *tosses head dramatically*

CMB: moving on. What’s your favorite season?

AM: Summer!

CMB: If you lived in the modern world, what would be your favorite movie?

AM: That one you call Star Wars.

CMB: Good call. You’d also really like The Mandalorian too.

AM: Are you kidding? That’s basically Rhys in a nutshell. Replace the green thing with literally everyone he adopts and will die for, and you have Alsaya’s version of The Mandalorian. He even goes around with a stupid title refusing to use his own perfectly good name.

CMB: YOU’RE SO RIGHT!! *mutters to self* I have a type don’t I??

AM: *sips tea* agreed.

CMB: Desist with the commentary, sir. Michelle Bruhn asks what’s the dumbest thing you and Rhys did together as kids? What’s the awesomest?

AM: Oof, that might have to a “best of” again. We got into plenty of dumb things. *suddenly laughs* We did accidentally catch my aunt’s best curtains on fire one time…

CMB: I need this story!

AM: Maybe some time. And most awesome? Successfully haunting the kitchens of my uncle’s manor house for about three days before we got caught.

CMB: the shenanigans. It’s a wonder the highlands survived.

AM: You’re telling me.

CMB: That’s all I have for you today. Thanks for being cooperative!

AM: *snags another few cookies and heads off down the stairs*

As he heads off into the woods this time, I shout after him. “Tell Rhys I said hi!”

Alan laughs and waves before vanishing.

And that concludes our blog tour! Thanks for coming and for all those who submitted questions via Facebook and Instagram! I had a bunch of fun with these and the characters did as well, don’t let Rhys/the Baron try and convince you otherwise! You can catch the other interviews at the links below! Don’t forget about the party happening THIS FRIDAY!

Come party with UUP!

And to celebrate Seer releasing this month, my publisher Uncommon Universes Press is hosting a Facebook party on 2/26 at 9 pm EST/8 pm CST in the exclusive UUP readers group! How do you attend? Easy! Go join the group and you’re all set! You’ll also get access to news and get to chat with other book nerds and get excited for some more amazing books coming this year from UUP!


Check out the rest of the blog tour!

February 9th:Madisyn Zeller, Blood of the Seer inspiration post February 9th: Katie Phillips, Blood of the Seer spotlight February 11th: C.M. Banschbach, Interview with Rhys February 12th:  Jordan Rainbolt, Blood of the Seer feature post February 14th: Becky Gaines, Blood of the Seer spotlight February 16th: C.M. Banschbach, Blood of the Seer as gifs February 16th: Abigail McKenna, Blood of the Seer book review February 18th: C.M. Banschbach, Interview with Sean MacDuffy February 19th: Denica McCall, Interview with C.M. Banschbach February 22nd: C.M. Banschbach, Interview with Alan MacDuffy

A blood curse. A shadow world. An indomitable evil. A forgotten bond.

Banished for a crime he didn’t commit, Rhys MacDuffy risked his life to rescue the little brother he no longer could claim as his own. Sean, the Seer of Clan MacDuffy, returns from his ordeal to war between the Clans and Lord Adam Barkley. Moreover, the Clan Lords refuse to lift the exile on Rhys. No outcast has ever been forgiven.

But the druids who held Sean captive have taken the key to controlling his powers—his blood. Rhys determines to keep his brother safe no matter the cost. Heedless of the war, he leads his rowdy band of Mountain Brigands on a hunt to destroy the druids before they destroy Sean with their dark magic.

The druids force Sean into a shadow world full of demons and danger, where their menacing god Deronis can consume him. Yet Rhys is able to follow Sean into the other world. There they discover an older magic that might be the key to stopping the druids.

The bond of brotherhood between Rhys and Sean runs deep. But is it strong enough to stand against the druid’s blood god?

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8 thoughts on “Interview with Alan MacDuffy

  1. Aaahh this was so much fun! Alan is also amazing and an actual ray of sunshine. I love all his insights into Rhys and the others, too. 😉 Also I finally got to see the first couple of episodes of The Mandolorian this week and WAS LITERALLY SAYING that Mando has anger management issues and is basically Rhys so that part of the interview is THE BEST. XDDD I love this so much! Thanks for sharing all these lovely interviews! I adore these characters so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *huggles Allen* I’ve got to meet this guy.

    I love that he doesn’t hate you as the author. XD

    His first memory of Rhys though. :’)

    Great interview! Loved reading these. XD

    Liked by 1 person

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