Twas the Day Before Christmas


I was just reading over my blog post from exactly a year ago to see if I ever say anything important. I’ll let you decide. Anyway, at one point in that post I mention that this is the longest day of the year, and that no matter how old I get, it still is. Yeah, time is flying today. πŸ˜›

I’ll spend today helping out in the kitchen as needed, playing with my little niece (she was helping me edit earlier), and hopefully write a little. The presents are all wrapped and under the tree. Christmas goodies made. Just waiting until tonight to decorate the molasses cookies (my personal favorite). We’ll watch It’s A Wonderful Life tonight as a family, our yearly tradition. My parents usually make some mulled wine to drink while watching. I think it tastes weird so I’ll just wait impatiently until the clock strike midnight to steal a cookie. The rule in our house is you can’t eat the Christmas goodies until it’s actually Christmas. I’m staring at them all right now. The struggle is real. πŸ˜›

I hope everyone else is prepared to have a wonderful Christmas! What are some of your traditions on Christmas Eve and Christmas? What’s your favorite holiday treat?

6 thoughts on “Twas the Day Before Christmas

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