Children of Two Worlds – 30

Chapter 30 “Everybody ready to go down?” Cassie asked as she cleared the last of the breakfast dishes and dumped them in the sink. “What is this about again?” Josh asked. “Dr. Braxton said they’ve made some big jumps in the research recently and he wants to fill us all in,” Cassie replied. “Great, more … Continue reading Children of Two Worlds – 30

Frankie Makes A Deal – #BlogBattle

Howdy! It's Tuesday which means the fun of the #BlogBattle is back! Hosted by Rachael Ritchey, it's a lively competition which you should definitely think of joining! Check out her blog for all the rules! Word: Mars Genre: Sci-Fi (Duh, I had to write about Frankie and Fyrn with a word like Mars) To read … Continue reading Frankie Makes A Deal – #BlogBattle