What’s In A Name?


If you’re a regular around here you might notice something’s different about this blog. OK. Everything is different. I know I said a few months ago that I was done changing up my blog and now look what I’ve done. A whole new theme and a whole new name. Why you might ask? Well, my first blogaversary was last month, I broke one hundred followers (I know it says more but I inflict my thoughts onto Twitter and Facebook), and I’ve started to take this blog in a slightly different direction than when I started a year ago. Namely, I’ve begun sharing a lot of writing on here. I’ll still complain about grad school and the mystery of life but it’s primarily a writer’s blog. I also made myself a posting schedule to keep all my newest endeavors straight.

I also had the time to do a major overhaul without procrastination repercussions because I finished up my semester yesterday! I’ve officially made it through one full year of PT school. It’s been a pretty grueling year, not gonna lie. This last semester we took 17 hours of high intensity classes involving 6 classes and 4 labs, plus extra clinical observations on our “days off”. We finished off the semester with 6 finals in 8 days.

How I feel after completing that semester

How I feel after completing that semester

Now looking forward to starting life as a DPT2 in about two weeks. Yeah, no rest for the wicked. But we have a quick 8 week session of class and then we get to go out on our first clinical!! That excites me more than I can say. We get to see real world application and be reminded of why we chose this field after spending a year stuck behind computers and textbooks.

So, two weeks off. Time to get back to the gym. Time to make some serious headway on stories that have languished in dusty notebooks and files while I’ve been studying. Time to catch up on the TV shows I got miserably behind in. Season finales are coming. I need to be ready. Time to read! I have a stack of books. Which should I read first?


Why yes that is a map of Aredor in the background. πŸ˜›

Now that I’ve talked your ear (eyes?) off, what do you think of the new look? I now have to remember that I changed the name so I don’t get confused when I get notifications for it. πŸ˜›

Sign up for my new-ish newsletter if you haven’t already! And be on the look out for a serial story starting next Saturday! (I know I said at the end of the month, but I’m getting excited about it especially since this basically happened a few days ago when I was supposed to be studying.


11 thoughts on “What’s In A Name?

  1. CONGRATS on finishing your first year!!! That was a huge load of work, so proud you made it through! “You have done the impossible”, my friend! How do you plan to enjoy your 2 weeks break?
    Loving the new look of your blog! Is the header image symoblic of Aredor, or some other place? Btw, that Aredor map is AWESOME.
    Serial story, yes! πŸ˜€
    The only book I have on your list is Storm Siren, but I’m curious about some of those other titles too. Maybe write some reviews after you read them? πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks!! The header image is in NZ. It’s not reminiscent of any worlds I’ve created…yet. πŸ™‚
      I’ll definitely try and get some reviews up of the ones I do read.
      Break? I’ve done a lot of sleeping so far. I’m planning on doing some (a lot) of writing, reading, and working out!
      The map is cool, isn’t it? I’ve gotten quite a few comments on it!

      Liked by 1 person

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