Houston Space City Comic Con Recap!


Last weekend I embarked on a road trip across Texas, going from my little corner of west Texas, down to the coast and the sprawling city of Houston. The reason? A comic con of course! It’s the biggest one I’ve particpated in as a vendor, and while I’ve actually done better at some other shows, I still had a ton of fun. Plus a hardcore fangirl moment. More on that here in a second.

After an 8 hour drive, I arrived at the convention center to set up, almost getting lost in the maze of booths in the search for my spot. Then it was off to the hotel to await Friday afternoon.

I spent Friday solo, as my usual partner in crime wasn’t able to join me for the weekend. She’s on an internship in Colorado at a wild animal sanctuary, hanging out with bears, big cats, and wolves. I’m jealous.

But another sister drove down from Dallas/Ft. Worth to help out Saturday and Sunday. Business picked up the rest of the weekend and we had a great time talking to people and handing out bookmarks.

Memorable moments: one family bought all three books and then the mom asked if I’d take a picture with her girls because I was the author. :O A young boy bought The Rise of Aredor. I asked him if he wanted me to sign it for him and he nodded. Then when I grabbed a copy for him and a pen he goes “Oh sweet! I didn’t even register what you asked at first! That is so cool!” It pretty much made my day. ๐Ÿ™‚

And now for the fangirl moment. You might be aware from a previous post that some Doctor Who stars would be at the Con, including Billie Piper. Well…

Excuse my stalkerish picture

Excuse my stalkerish picture

I’m not going to lie, when the crowds parted and I saw her at the table I legit went “OMG IT’S HER!!!”

I’m not 100% sure if photos of guest stars were allowed, so I might have done something bad and just told you all, but here’s pics of the other Doctor Who people.


Colin Baker – The 6th Doctor


Alex Kingston!


Eve Miles from Torchwood!

So yeah, this made the whole trip worth it! Someday I’ll have money and will be able to do the autograph sessions with cool people. :)Now for some other pictures. These aren’t all I took, but if you like my Facebook page you can see the entire album that I uploaded the other day. ๐Ÿ™‚


I died laughing when I saw this. I love Supernatural


There were some pretty neat BB8 rolling around.


I had just watched the Wolverine movie a few days before Con so I made these guys take a picture.


My sister and I love this Cap outfit.


My sister was wearing her Howling Commandos shirt, so they both wanted a picture with each other.


Complete with shield.


There was quite a bit of steampunkish superhero costumes around, but I really like these ladies outfits. ๐Ÿ™‚


Cutest costume ever!!




And a giant, talking, moving Dalek. Powered by someone inside.

My only regret is that I didn’t know there were some Farscape actors there! And I was even wearing my Farscape t-shirt on Saturday. But bonus, people actually recognized it! ๐Ÿ™‚

I decided that if I ever cosplay, it’s going to be Kaylee from Firefly, or even doing Bucky would be fun. What character would you cosplay?

23 thoughts on “Houston Space City Comic Con Recap!

  1. My wife cosplays all the time. Kaylee, Black Widow, female Loki, and Spiderwoman are just the most recent. She’s been trying to get me to dress up for years now. I tend to like watching more than dressing up. But some day we will do a couples costume. She made me promise.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That is so cool! How in depth does she get with her costumes?
      You definitely should do a couples costume! That would be a ton of fun!
      Although I am with you. I love people watching and seeing all the different costumes people put together.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, boy!!! What a fun time you had!!! Sounds like so much fun…

    And seeing the Dr. Who people, that’d definitely make my day! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve got the fabric for a Dr Who/Tardis inspired dress… which I’ve been too afraid to actually cut into… but if I was going to a con I think I’d wear that! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Now I want to make you a proper costume if you’re going to be going to cons, you need something that really sings!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks like it was tons of fun! Not to mention the Doctor Who people you got to see *fan squeal!*
    Hmm, I’m not sure who I’d cosplay as, since I’m not talented enough to make my own costume… I’ll have to think on that, especially for when I make plans to go to comic cons!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I still grin every time I think about getting to see them (from a distance) in person!
      I’m definitely not talented enough to make a costume. Thankfully I have several sisters who are, so I’ll just coerce them into helping me. ๐Ÿ™‚


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