It’s Almost Time For A Cover Reveal!


Exciting news! I have a cover for The Wolf Prince!!! :O

Soooo….who wants to help me with a cover reveal?? And a release date reveal! I’m so excited to show you the cover, and to share the entire book! πŸ™‚

Cover reveal will happen on August 7 in honor of my birthday! πŸ™‚

Here’s a sign up form if you want to be a fabulous person and help me spread the cover around the interwebs. I will love you forever and give you virtual peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and flood you will gifs of otters. It’s a win-win scenario, really. πŸ˜‰

Anyway. Here you go and thanks for being awesome in advance.

Sign ups closed.Β 

Also, I got back from Realm Makers and am still processing it’s awesomeness. And some exciting things happened, and I’m frantically editing all the things, so sorry if I’m kind of hit or miss here. I’m also trying to be more active on Instagram and Twitter, so follow me there if you want random funky life things. πŸ˜‰ Also, I’m feeling a “Writing As Explained By” post brewing….

5 thoughts on “It’s Almost Time For A Cover Reveal!

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