Help! I Still Think It’s 2018


in which I make a return to blogging after disappearing for almost a month. *laughs awkwardly*

I have been busy, I swear! lol! The holidays happened and I was travelling quite a bit. Then it was New Years, (and now January is over and what is even happening?) Then I went on a vacation for the first time in over a year. I got to go skiing with my family in lovely Durango, CO. It was tons of fun!

I realized how out of shape I am. I actually read a book (OMG! Elantris by Brandon Sanderson is amazing and you must read it! *dies*) I did some writing. Quoted a lot of movies with my sisters. Actually mainly just the Captain America movies, of which we managed to watch two.

Also, my younger sisters read through the first draft of The Dragon of Durmuth throughout the evenings of the ski trip, and I was highly amused by the giggles, gasps, whispered commentary, and one loud “I’M ON CHAPTER 20 OUT OF 25 AND I SEE NO RESOLUTION TO THIS!” It made my heart happy especially since it confirmed that the draft isn’t as messy as I first thought it was. πŸ˜€

And I’ve been staying really busy at work! I’m, scarily enough, mentoring a student right now and it’s a little frightening to know I’m responsible for molding the minds of the future PT’s of America. (Ok, I’m just being dramatic, but still…)

I also started writing a new book this month!! Winter Spell, Book 3 in the Faeries of Myrnius series is underway! You can read a little bit about it on the WIPs page!

And currently beginning to freak out about the impending Mountain Baron edits heading my way by February. My publisher has already told me they might send chocolate so…. XD

(This is either the edits coming for me, or Rhys MacDuffy the captain of the angst and stabbing team. πŸ˜› )

I’m also frantically at work on a short story for this fabulous book of stabby and angsty-ness for my newsletter! So stay tuned if you want to get a first look at this world and some of the characters!

Also, is anyone’s brain still in denial about the new year? I think I’ve successfully written 2019 like twice this entire month. #thestruggleisreal.

So that’s the random life update from me! I’m hoping to get back on a regular blogging schedule. Shoutout anything you want to see from me in future blog posts!

I have lots of exciting things planned for this year, and a lot of writing planned! Ahh! I’m so excited and ready to slay these goals.

All gifs from

What are your plans for 2019! Read any epic books yet this year?

9 thoughts on “Help! I Still Think It’s 2018

  1. Thrilled you have got a publishing deal and you’re still writing your amazing stories! I don’t really use my wordpress account all that much as I’ve purchased my website address and I’m using this as my main focus for marketing, so I don’t get to comment on posts as much as I’d like. πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to your new works, they all sound intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Steph! I’m very excited to share The Mountain Baron with everyone!

      And I’ve been so terrible about getting on and reading other people’s blogs!! I’m also looking at upgrading my website. Are you still on wordpress or did you move over to a different hosting site?


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