Aredor Rises Again!


Excuse the cheesy title. I’m just excited. 🙂

The Rise of Aredor and The Wildcat of Braeton are officially back into the world! 😀 *throws confetti and dances around with pizza*

This isn’t a long post, just the new cover pics and beautiful links. I’m in the process of getting the 1st and 2nd editions linked on Amazon to keep the reviews and everything, but here they are right now.

AND, be prepared for the relaunch tour coming Sept 28-30 to blogs near you! If you’d like to sign up to help me promote the books, and have the opportunity to snag a review copy, I’ll keep the sign ups open till the end of the week. SIGN UP HERE.

Lost in a foreign land and separated from his family, Corin does his best to survive as a slave in the household of a Calorin lord. With newfound friends he fights for survival in ambushes and wars. For one act of bravery, he is awarded his freedom and returns to a home that has been invaded and ravaged by the Calorin armies. When Corin sets foot on Aredor’s shores, he has one goal in mind: find his family. He is driven into the forest, where he is reunited with childhood friends. From the shelter of the woods, they begin a spirited rebellion against Corin’s former cruel master, who now holds sway over Aredor. Follow Corin’s path in his quest to free his imprisoned brother, find a father who has vanished, and ultimately free his country in The Rise of Aredor.

Paperback     Ebook

His term of service to Lord Rishdah now complete, Aiden returns to his home in Braeton. As he travels he hears rumors that trouble plagues Braeton. Clan Canich is being attacked from within. He arrives, determined to save his father, his brothers, and his Clan from the treachery of one man.

A year has passed since the Calorins were driven from Aredor and Corin is struggling to rebuild his country. Despite the peace, a fear haunts him that the Calorins aren’t far away. The Hawk Flight takes to the forest again to defend the borders against a possible attack from the neighboring country of Durna and its Calorin ally. 

As Aiden and Corin struggle to adapt to their new lives they know one thing for certain – war is coming to the North! 

Paperback     Ebook

I’m so stinking excited to finally be able to share these! It’s been a long road since January when I got the news about my publisher, but I really think that things have worked out for the best and I’m excited to move forward with these bad boys.

I hope you have a fantastic day! 🙂

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