I Finished A Book!


Tuesday evening saw something amazing happen. I finished a book.

That’s right. I actually finished a draft of a WIP. For the first time in about 3 years, people! (To be fair, I did write a novella back in 2015 for a contest, but it’s still been that long since I’ve finished anything.) I finished The Wolf Prince! I went back and check when I first started it and came up with May, 2014. Yeah, it took me that long to finish. Granted I have been a tad bit busy since then.

Here’s some super detailed stats.

Word Count: ?? Prolly somewhere around 40-50K. I’ll find out when I type it up.

Chapters: 33 + Epilogue.

Notebooks used: 3 (for some reason I used wide ruled, so it’s really not as impressive as it sounds).

My love for this story: 10/10. I really love how it turned out. I think I actually included all the scenes I brainstormed for it, which is some sort of record. 😛 I can’t wait to share it with y’all!

What’s next? Letting it sit for the rest of April. My alpha readers (aka sisters) need to finish reading it so I can force them to tell me what they really thought.

And tonight I’ll sit down with The Rise of Aredor and begin edits on it to prep for re-release this summer/fall!! I’ll be putting aside the word count goal for the rest of April and giving myself a page count for editing purposes. I’m thinking about 20 pages a day to edit. I’ve already started on a bit of it, so I’m hoping it shouldn’t take me very long. *crossing my fingers as I type this cause life has a funny way of laughing in the face of my goals*

Meanwhile – here’s some snippets from The Wolf Prince!

Lars propped himself up on elbows as Killian slithered off the bed, warily eyeing her and the bucket.

“There had better be a good reason for this. It’s probably treason to throw water at princes.”

Rose almost emptied the bucket over him. “I think we’re famous.”

“We are princes,” Lars reminded her.

The three companions were left standing in the sudden silence. The explosions of the sorcerer’s power echoed a few more times before fading away. The noise of the forest gradually returned and they settled in to wait. For what, Killian was not entirely sure.

“It’s…it’s my fault.” She stared at the bits of blood still staining her hands.

This wasn’t a tussle for dominance. It was a fight for his life.

“Maybe, but that’s more than you would have done for me a few weeks ago, admit it.” He winked and a chuckle bubbled in her chest. She bumped his shoulder with her fist.

“Yes, lucky for you boys, you grew on me. A little like mold.”

Jonas instead began asking after his health as if he was not nearing twenty-one years and standing next to him. Rose caught his eye roll and smothered a grin.


What do you think of the snippets? 🙂

Are you doing Camp NaNo? How are your awesome WIPs coming?

17 thoughts on “I Finished A Book!

  1. EEEP CONGRATS!!! *throws a party complete with confetti and cupcakes* That is so awesome! I haven’t finished anything besides short stories and a novella in ages myself… >.> Like… four years. XD So I understand where you’re coming from and the HUGE accomplishment you must feel! SO AWESOME!! Best of luck on editing for republication, and eep, those snippets were fun! Can’t wait till I get to read The Wolf Prince someday! 😀 CONGRATS AGAIN! ❤

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  2. Congrats, Claire! It is always such a good feeling to finish a book you’ve been working on for so long 🙂 Especially those, I think, haha. The snippets definitely make me want to read more and I’m really looking forward to this story! Now I need to go and finish my Third Na Fianna book 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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