Exploring Calvyrn – Irresistible World Building Blog Hop


Today as part of the fantabulous Janeen Ippolito’s launch of her new writing book Irresistible World Building , I have been invited to share about one of my story worlds!

I picked Calvyrn from The Wolf Prince  in honor of it going to the editor today and being published later this year. 🙂

For those of you that don’t know, TWP is book 2 in my Faeries of Myrnius series. It’s a standalone book that takes place after the events of Adela’s Curse and gets to explore the world of Myrnius a little more.

Name your spec fic subgenre!

YA/middle grade relationship driven fantasy adventure!

How is your world building just as cool as in these books—if not cooler?

There’s an epic trek across the plains of Calvyrn, plus all sorts of nasty creatures to run into, with a good dash of magic and faeries to even it all out.

Tell us about an aspect of your world that causes problems for your characters. Any dangerous weather patterns or geographical complications?

There hasn’t really been a comprehensive geographical survey of the kingdom in a while (plus the crown prince not really doing his job), so the map the characters use to navigate is not 100% accurate which leads to a bit to technical difficulty throughout the story and some merciless teasing from the resident aspiring apprentice Ranger along for the trek. Roads and bridges don’t really match up, plus there’s no warning sign for wandering trolls…

If you could take any part of your world building and make it into a giveaway item, what would it be?

A wyvern scale!

What about your world building messes up your main character’s life?

Magic probably. There’s a sorcerer wandering around that changes him into a wolf and is determined to sacrifice him for nefarious purposes. It’s a problem.

What was the first thing that inspired your world building?

The area I grew up in (west Texas). Calvyrn for the most part is hot, flat, and covered in prickly grass and grete bushes (modeled after mesquite). I wanted it to be different from the typical trek across Europe-I mean-fantasy land.

Name at least two aspects of your world building that you want in the Real World RIGHT NOW?

FAERIES! And they have smallish pegasi, so….

What are two aspects of your world building that you never want to see in the Real World?

Trolls that will drink your blood, and Baedons which are my own invention. They will paralyze you with their creepy red eyes and then eat you unless you die of fright first. They can stay in Calvyrn, please and thank you.

Tell us about a historical event in your world which impacts the events of the story.

Faeries really haven’t been seen around Calvyrn since a big war 50 years prior to the start of the story in which faeries fought magic users such as sorcerers and witches and a lot of innocent humans got caught up on both sides and in the middle. It makes for some great backstory on a certain villain…

Share a short excerpt from your story that shows off really cool world building.

‘Cause astronomy is always fun to play with. 🙂

Killian rested his nose on paws and turned his gaze upward to the stars.

He knew them now by human and animal name. Erik the Mighty, first king of Calvyrn, or Wyvern’s Bane. He was a hero to the animals as well, but only for driving the Wyverns into the Black Hills in the north. The dread serpent circled Erik, and the white wolf held up the moon.

Love world building? Click the cover to check out the book!

Write stories with worlds that create lifelong fans and fandoms!

Irresistible World Building for Unforgettable Stories contains key methods and tips on how to weave your world building into every aspect of your story, from theme to plot to character arcs.

-Use writing prompts and exercises to jumpstart your creativity
-Get ideas on how to refresh world building genre tropes while still hitting reader sweet spots
-Learn to embrace your inner geek and passions to connect your world building with readers

Vivid world building is great. Vivid world building that sells? Even better!


Janeen Ippolito is two authors for the price of one! She creates writing resources and writes urban fantasy and steampunk. She’s also an experienced teacher, editor, author coach, and the editor in chief of Uncommon Universes Press. In her spare time, she enjoys sword-fighting, reading, food, and making brownie batter. She believes that words transform worlds and that everyone has the ability to tell their story. Two of her goals are eating fried tarantulas and traveling to Antarctica. This extroverted writer loves getting connected, so find her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and at her website: janeenippolito.com.

7 thoughts on “Exploring Calvyrn – Irresistible World Building Blog Hop

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